This is a very helpful awk script to merge columns from different files into one single file.
Suppose we have two files with two columns each and the same number of lines.
Our goal is to merge column two from the first file with column one from the second.
First we merge the two files and then we use awk to select the desired columns and print them to a new file.
| pr -m -t -s\ file1 file2 | awk '{print $2,$3}' >out_file.txt |
pr -m -t -s\ file1 file2 | awk '{print $2,$3}' >out_file.txt
Suppose we have the need to give read – write permissions to a specific group of users. As an example we need a share folder to be readable and writable by all students in a specific class. The following guide addresses such an issue.
First we have to create the group.
Now we add some users and make them members of the class01 group,
| sudo adduser student01:class01
sudo usermod -g class01 student01
sudo adduser student02:class01
sudo usermod -g class01 student02
sudo adduser student03:class01
sudo usermod -g class01 student03 |
sudo adduser student01:class01 sudo usermod -g class01 student01 sudo adduser student02:class01 sudo usermod -g class01 student02 sudo adduser student03:class01 sudo usermod -g class01 student03
we create the directory that will be shared to the group members,
| sudo mkdir /media/shared/class01 |
sudo mkdir /media/shared/class01
and give the appropriate permissions.
| sudo chmod -R g+rwxs /media/shared/class01 |
sudo chmod -R g+rwxs /media/shared/class01
The above command will give full group read – write access to directory “class01” and also, will set the set-groupID flag so that directories created inside it inherit the group.
That’ s all!
Suppose you have a three column data csv file that the values of one column, the third par example, must be substituted with current value plus one. This is very easy to do using awk.
Just type:
| awk -F, '{$3++; print $1","$2","$3}' input-file.csv |
awk -F, '{$3++; print $1","$2","$3}' input-file.csv
awk will print by default the result to the console. To save the result you should output it to a file using:
| awk -F, '{$3++; print $1","$2","$3}' input-file.csv > output-file.csv |
awk -F, '{$3++; print $1","$2","$3}' input-file.csv > output-file.csv
The third column of the output file contains the input file values plus one.
pdftotext is a nifty command line utility that can be used to convert a PDF document to text. Most Linux distributions include pdftotext as part of the poppler-utils package. Installation in Ubuntu is very easy using apt. Just type
| sudo apt-get install poppler-utils |
sudo apt-get install poppler-utils
and pdftotext is installed.
Usage: pdftotext [options] <PDF-file> [<text-file>]
-f <int> : first page to convert
-l <int> : last page to convert
-r <fp> : resolution, in DPI (default is 72)
-x <int> : x-coordinate of the crop area top left corner
-y <int> : y-coordinate of the crop area top left corner
-W <int> : width of crop area in pixels (default is 0)
-H <int> : height of crop area in pixels (default is 0)
-layout : maintain original physical layout
-raw : keep strings in content stream order
-htmlmeta : generate a simple HTML file, including the meta information
-enc <string> : output text encoding name
-listenc : list available encodings
-eol <string> : output end-of-line convention (unix, dos, or mac)
-nopgbrk : don't insert page breaks between pages
-opw <string> : owner password (for encrypted files)
-upw <string> : user password (for encrypted files)
-q : don't print any messages or errors
-v : print copyright and version info |
Usage: pdftotext [options] <PDF-file> [<text-file>] -f <int> : first page to convert -l <int> : last page to convert -r <fp> : resolution, in DPI (default is 72) -x <int> : x-coordinate of the crop area top left corner -y <int> : y-coordinate of the crop area top left corner -W <int> : width of crop area in pixels (default is 0) -H <int> : height of crop area in pixels (default is 0) -layout : maintain original physical layout -raw : keep strings in content stream order -htmlmeta : generate a simple HTML file, including the meta information -enc <string> : output text encoding name -listenc : list available encodings -eol <string> : output end-of-line convention (unix, dos, or mac) -nopgbrk : don't insert page breaks between pages -opw <string> : owner password (for encrypted files) -upw <string> : user password (for encrypted files) -q : don't print any messages or errors -v : print copyright and version info
The simplest way to use it is by typing
| pdftotext file-to-convert.pdf |
pdftotext file-to-convert.pdf
and the utility will create a text file with the same name inside the directory that file-to-convert.pdf resides.
Wildcards (*), for example:
for converting multiple files, cannot be used because pdftotext expects only one file name. Instead, a loop can be used for batch conversions like:
| for f in *.pdf
pdftotext "$f"
done |
for f in *.pdf do pdftotext "$f" done